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Pawn Sacrifice - Life in between 64 Squares!!!

Pawn Sacrifice -  I haven't heard about this movie until my brother suggested couple weeks back. I then watched the trailer of the movie and was much excited. The reason being, the theme of the movie - Life story of the Legend, Bobby Fischer

Even though I am not much of a chess player, I was eager to watch it since, there have been many movies with sports background. But this is different, even though the story is about the 64 squares, it has an inner motive as well. The differences between two countries, USA and Russia, was ulterior motive.

The movie was as expected, showcasing the different episodes of the career of Bobby Fischer and it was well captured by the director. The performance of Tobey Maguire as Bobby and Liev Schreiber as Boris Spassky was good. After watching the movie, I decided to watch few clippings of Bobby Fischer and I was very much surprised that Tobey has really potrayed the character to perfection. The walk, the mannerisms, the interviews - very good depiction of a real person by Tobey! and kudos to Liev as well.

I never knew that the 64 squares could break a person psychologically and was quite surprised to know few facts about other star players who were pushed to the limit. One of the dialogue in the movie "After only four moves, there's more than 300 billion options to consider" was the highlight showcasing the amount of combinations that is quite possible over the 64 squares! If you are a chess player or does have an ounce of interest in the game, you should definitely watch this movie. The simplest game - a board, a player makes a move and other player makes a response - is no longer a simple game.

Coming back to the movie, the title of the movie is very apt, describing both Fischer and Spassky as Pawns, not in the chess game, but in the bigger game - USA vs Russia!!!

One thing I would have liked in the movie is the game's presentation. It would have been presented more showing the moves in a split screen along with the actors. I am not sure whether the split screen would be liked by everyone, but I surely would have!!!

Overall - a nice movie, showing the life of a player in between the white and black squares!!!


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