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Fast & Furious 8 - Crash, Bang, Kaboomm!!!

One of the recent movie which had high expectations and was hyped even higher, because of various reasons, had a very safe landing at the end. If you have watched the preceding series (1 to 7), you pretty much know what to expect from this 8th edition of the movie. And yes, Paul Walker, will be missed!

The posters and ad were stressing on the point, not to miss the opening and I was quite excited by the level of hype that was created for the opening sequence. Generally, I would rate the Bond movies to have an extravagant opening but F&F8 had given me a chance to expect something bigger! The opening sequence was choreographed in an awesome manner. Indeed, thanks to the latest technologies, you will never know the authenticity of the action blocks and infact, it applies to the entire movie. I too will go ahead and spread it - DO NOT MISS THE OPENING!!!

The trailer gave away the fact that another star has been added to the already star studded team, in the name of Charlize Theron! To be honest, I expected lot more action sequence from her but the story demanded a villain who is good in computers. So, for the entire movie, either she talks or operates a key board! Yes - Charlize Theron is a Sophisticated Villain!!!

Another important sequence I was looking forward is the rematch between Statham and Rock - and it never happened. But the director must be applauded for the way, both these heavy weight actors been handled. The conversation between the two is sure to tickle your senses.

Coming to the main stream of the movie - Action, the movie is full of action sequences, unbelievable at many places, however, it has been the same in its previous parts. The amount of imagination put in by the movie people to surpass the action level is limitless. If it was for the car stunt (Abu Dhabi sequence) in F&F7, the Submarine sequence & the Car Pile up sequence, is sure to match its level. Watch out for the scene between The Rock and a Torpedo!!

Go to a nearby IMAX, buy the tickets for F&F8, buy a big bucket of popcorn, put on the 3D glasses and engulf into the world of Unbelievable actions performed by believable stars!!!
Let the ride begin!!! IMAX poster 


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