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Showing posts from April, 2017

Fast & Furious 8 - Crash, Bang, Kaboomm!!!

One of the recent movie which had high expectations and was hyped even higher, because of various reasons, had a very safe landing at the end. If you have watched the preceding series (1 to 7), you pretty much know what to expect from this 8th edition of the movie. And yes, Paul Walker, will be missed! The posters and ad were stressing on the point, not to miss the opening and I was quite excited by the level of hype that was created for the opening sequence. Generally, I would rate the Bond movies to have an extravagant opening but F&F8 had given me a chance to expect something bigger! The opening sequence was choreographed in an awesome manner. Indeed, thanks to the latest technologies, you will never know the authenticity of the action blocks and infact, it applies to the entire movie. I too will go ahead and spread it - DO NOT MISS THE OPENING!!! The trailer gave away the fact that another star has been added to the already star studded team, in the name of Charlize Theron

Unbreakable - Strong yet brittle!!!

Even though it's been a while since the movie was released (almost 17 years ago), I watched it over the last weekend (thanks to Hotstar). The urge to watch this movie came from the movie Split, directed by the same director. The story line of Unbreakable is bit simple yet complicated, that's because, of the way the director had treated the pace of the movie. It will test your patience, yet, at the end of the movie, you will feel that the time spent watching the movie is worthwhile. Having seen Bruce Willis in most of many action movies, it was quite extraordinary to see him perform in the most subtle way possible. Right from the opening sequence, the director has envisioned each and every scene and it was quite methodical in the way the camerawork and the actors have performed. Having read and heard about this movie, I knew the plot but the most exciting aspect of watching a movie knowing the plot is the eagerness to know how the director has delivered the content. One of

Pawn Sacrifice - Life in between 64 Squares!!!

Pawn Sacrifice -  I haven't heard about this movie until my brother suggested couple weeks back. I then watched the trailer of the movie and was much excited. The reason being, the theme of the movie - Life story of the Legend, Bobby Fischer Even though I am not much of a chess player, I was eager to watch it since, there have been many movies with sports background. But this is different, even though the story is about the 64 squares, it has an inner motive as well. The differences between two countries, USA and Russia, was ulterior motive. The movie was as expected, showcasing the different episodes of the career of Bobby Fischer and it was well captured by the director. The performance of Tobey Maguire as Bobby and Liev Schreiber as Boris Spassky was good. After watching the movie, I decided to watch few clippings of Bobby Fischer and I was very much surprised that Tobey has really potrayed the character to perfection. The walk, the mannerisms, the interviews - very good de

AFTERMATH - The power of an apology, not asked!!! - Movie Review

It's been a long time since I watched a movie in a theater (thanks to Amazon Prime) and after much thought, decided to watch the movie AFTERMATH starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in a much subtle and different character. We have seen him mostly bashing, running, fighting either with people or cyborgs, but this movie has given a different outlook to him. Yes, he is old but the character portrayed needed an actor of his age! Being taken from real incidents, you pretty much know the story even before you start watching. The treatment of the scenes is what makes the movie interesting. Particularly, the emotions of both, Arnold (Roman) and Scott (Jacob) - the air flight controller, has been very well pictured. The emotional sequences, when Arnold and Jacob comes to know about the accidents deserves an applause. Both of them are in different situations, but puzzled with the same question - What is their future going to be? My overall thought for this movie is pretty much simple, Arnold