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Thupparivalan - You can run but can't hide!!!

Let me start my take on this movie by saying, if you have watched Sherlock series (Benedict Cumberbatch's version), then you may find lot of similarities in this movie. Yes, these similarities are kept in the movie to give the audience the view from a detective's perspective, but still could have come up with few own ideas. However, a well deserved applause to both the director (Mysskin) and the producer (Vishal) for making this movie.

One big difference you would be able to notice in this movie is that the director has come out from the darkness, literally!!! From the opening sequence till the end, the movie is bright.. brighter and sometimes brightest!!! Kudos to the director to change the style of his movie making!!!

The biggest credit for this movie should go to the music composer, Aarol Corelli, for the tremendous BGM. The movie doesn't have any songs (which is very good for the movie's pace) however, the BGM is pretty much effective. The BGM travels along with the plot, be it a chase, creating suspense or in some places projecting the thoughts of the characters. The violin has been used as an additional cast throughout the movie.

Vishal has done his part close to perfection, you have to view the character and not the person. If not, yes, it will look awkward at times. The body language, dialogue delivery seems to be quite different from his other movies however, few mannerisms are inspired by SHERLOCK!!! Once again, as I stated earlier, if you have watched Sherlock, then you might understand the mannerisms or else, it will make you wonder why and then will make you laugh!!!

In every Mysskin's movie, the antagonist will have a meaty role and yes, in this movie as well, it was surprising and refreshing to see Vinay carry the negativism throughout the movie. As the saying goes, Action speaks more than words, except the climax, the dialogue for the villain is much less and he carries the emotions with his actions. Added to the list of negative roles are Baghyaraaj (you will need a minute to believe that he is indeed Baghyaraaj), Andrea - Not much scope for acting but whatever needs to be done has been done.

The screenplay is the backbone of the movie and it travels in a pace which is either not that fast nor too slow. The director ensured that the audience will travel along with the movie. The movie rather starts with a punch then takes time to settle (understandable - the director wants to settle down the Kaniyan Poongrundran's character) and finally begins to move in a good pace.

I will not be doing justice to this article if I am not mentioning Prasanna who should be applauded for taking up this role. Being a side kick to a super hero is different from being a Watson to Sherlock!!! Prasanna provides the much needed relief with witty one liners and is almost there throughout the movie. I am just thinking, instead of Vinay, if Prasanna had done the antagonist role, it would have been better, but again, Prasanna had already played a similar role in Mysskin's previous movie.

Yes, the movie indeed has few cliched blocks, but again, if you want to enjoy a detective's movie, you will definitely walk out of the theater with a bright smile. Just remember, never see the hero, just see the character or else, you won't be able to enjoy the movie!!!


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