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Showing posts from September, 2017

Thupparivalan - You can run but can't hide!!!

Let me start my take on this movie by saying, if you have watched Sherlock series (Benedict Cumberbatch's version), then you may find lot of similarities in this movie. Yes, these similarities are kept in the movie to give the audience the view from a detective's perspective, but still could have come up with few own ideas. However, a well deserved applause to both the director (Mysskin) and the producer (Vishal) for making this movie. One big difference you would be able to notice in this movie is that the director has come out from the darkness, literally!!! From the opening sequence till the end, the movie is bright.. brighter and sometimes brightest!!! Kudos to the director to change the style of his movie making!!! The biggest credit for this movie should go to the music composer, Aarol Corelli, for the tremendous BGM. The movie doesn't have any songs (which is very good for the movie's pace) however, the BGM is pretty much effective. The BGM travels along wit

Dunkirk - Speech "Less"

We have seen directors changing the movie genre from one movie to another. Christopher Nolan's earlier movies (Memento, Prestige, Batman Series, Interstellar) was different from each other but then everything had a common factor - Imagination. The director's imagination to portray a story with believable screenplay was primarily the common factor in his previous ventures. Dunkirk is entirely a different approach by the director. Being a movie based on the real happenings during the WWII, there is not much to think or understand - compared to his other creations!!! The entire movie is based on only two elements - Visual & Sound!!! I guess the director's vision of conveying the story was through these two mediums alone. The entire movie is taken based on 3 perspectives - Air, Land & Sea. You will have to be very patient throughout the movie since most of the time, the director has preferred to convey the emotions through music and fantastic visuals covering the