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Wonder Woman - Girl Power!!!

Wonder Woman - One of the many super hero movies from DC comics and for a change, the super hero is actually a Super Heroine!!! Yes, I accept that one of the reasons I went to watch this movie is for the heroine - Gal Gadot. She was a part of the F&F franchise and I was bit sad that she was taken out from the F&F series, but, glad to hear that she is part of the Justice League!!!

As always, Wonder Woman movie is slated as the origin of Wonder Woman and the only expectation I had is to know how are they going to link this with Justice League. The beginning of the movie provides you the justification and also sets the tone for the journey. The movie is all about a pre-historic event that happened which gave way to the introduction of Wonder Woman. If you had seen Batman Vs Superman:Dawn of Justice, you would be able to relate the sequences.

Coming to the movie, it is an action packed entertainer and as usual filled with logic defying action sequences. However, the choreography of the stunts are amazing, especially, the Slow-Mo in-between the action is very much to be appreciated. Special accolades to the CG work to showcase the kingdom of Themyscira, which was amazing!!! The sequence of explaining the creation of Themyscira is to be appreciated (told by the queen as a bed time story to her daughter) which forms the crux of the daughter's belief and the understanding of Go(o)d vs Evil.

The war sequences (1st World War) is well taken and is visually well planned and executed. The dialogues between Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) and Wonder Woman, in the first half, is filled with great sense of humor. If compared, this is the only super hero movie to have less action sequences. Especially, towards the end, the director could have avoided few dialogue exchanges, which are not required and I saw them as clichéd.

It's is very hard to remember a super hero movie without Danny Huston (General Stryker of Wolverine series) and he does his role to perfection (Gn.Ludendorff). Also, the performance of Patrick Morgan/Ares (David Thewlis) is also respectable and fits aptly.

Overall, the movie is a fun filled action entertainer and as always, go with your hands full (with popcorn and beverages) and mind free!!!!


  1. haha.. hands full of pop corn & mind free :-)
    good one!!


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