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Baahubali 2 - Movie of a Super Hero without a Cape!!!

One of the most awaited movie for the year and it is worth the wait. After waiting for 2 weeks, I decided to watch the movie at Palazzo Cinemas. I ensured to book the best seats available in the theater. One of the main value adds to this movie is to watch the movie in the best theater available in your city. The visuals, sound effects make this movie, a grand spectacle!!

Like everyone else, I too went to the movie with high expectations. B-2 starts from where B-1 ended, a perfect start to the movie, The idea of showing the main events of Part 1 as illustrations was a great move by the director (supposedly the brain behind everything) and you will be made to sit up-straight from the 1st minute. 

From the beginning, the movie gives the audience the feel that it is not going to be similar to that of the 1st part. From my point of view, the B-1 showed the art of war strategies and made you feel the impact of war and the clashes happening in a battle. But, B-2, mostly depicts the politics involved in a kingdom. You still have few battle scenes in B2 which are choreographed in a neat manner. Especially, the battle scene in the 1st half is taken in a very good way, not to show too much into the fights but again the strategy to win the battle.

The first half of the movie goes at its own pace having many important sequences. The sequence between Pingalathevan (Naseer) and Katappa (Satyaraj) was quite good with the witty dialogues. Both Naseer and Satyaraj have played pivotal roles and are best suited for the character. Especially, Satyaraj also takes the role of a comedian aptly providing a little bit of breather amidst the heavy themed story-line. 

Introduction of Devasena (Anushka) (as a beautiful princess) is commendable and is equal to that of a hero entry. Commendable performance!!! After 30 minutes into the movie, you will be very much aware of the plot that is going to be woven around Baahubali. There is no surprise element to it but I was keen to know how the plot is going to be executed by the director. 

Performance of Sivagami (Ramya Krishnan) deserves a special mention as she has literally carried the role with grace. Power packed performance, Stellar role and any other adjective matching the acting talent of her can be praised. The reaction shown by the actress at different stages is awesome and I would say, Sivagami is better than Nilaambari, ofcourse, both are different genres of movie.

Pallvalathevan (Rana Dagubatti) - What a performance as an antagonist throughout the movie, not even showing remorse for a second and till the end (even at his death bed). With his physical dominance matching his negative acting, he has given the best for this role - hats off to the director and the actor. It is going to take some time for anyone to match the level of negativism shown by RD!!!

Finally, Amarendra/Mahendra Baahubali (Prabhas), the man who carried the Sivalinga on his shoulders for B-1, has carried the entire movie in B-2. Just the opening sequence will define his role for the rest of the movie. What an entry!!! Remember, it is a super hero movie, so imagination has no limit. He has carried the role with great pride and you can easily see that in many frames, the way he walks across the court room at the palace, the way he talks and injects confidence to soldiers - he has completely turned to Baahubali!!!

One of the best sequence I liked in particular is the interval block. You will definitely get goosebumps while watching the interval block. The scene might look simple when you read it, but the visual treat the director imagined and delivered, AWESOME!!!

Yes, there are elements that can be criticized about the movie but it is just a waste of time. For people who criticize, the answer is my title - it is a Super Hero movie and the super hero does not wear a cape. Imagination has no limit and the director has ensured that his imagination has no boundaries. 

S.S.Rajamouli - The Director, - The Visionary - You deserve a place in the history of movie making!!!


  1. MJ, Great!! A rewarding Columnist career is waiting for you. Come on!

  2. Awesome .. Mrithun 😃way to go

  3. nice, balanced write-up, again, MJ! Keep it coming!
    I think the technical aspects used here should be taken as benchmark for creating other real-life historical characters like RajaRaja Chola, Shivaji, Krishnadeva raya etc.. minus the fairy-tales of Bahubali.


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