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Showing posts from March, 2017

LOGAN - The SwanSong

LOGAN - One of the very few action movies that has been delivered matching to the expectations. Being the last movie in the Wolverine series, it was bound to have very high expectations. The director has really ensured to thrill the audiences with tailor made scenes that will make the audiences excited, sad, joyous and the best of all, shout along with the WOLVERINE @ LOGAN!!! The opening 15-20 mins sets the tone for the movie and the director has clearly ensured that this is not a typical superhero movie but will have moments where the "superhero" will be glorified. Action movies should have realtime action sequences and the stunt choreography should be applauded for the effort they have put in. Starting from the initial action block, the audience are made to believe that the movie is going to have blood spilling action sequences, which to my surprise, works out pretty well for the movie. With the claws, it would have been very poor if the action sequences were made in ot