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My View on Dhuruvangal 16 - The Movie

Fantastic Screenplay - That's the first thought that came to my mind after watching the movie D16. The plot is pretty simple but the director should be applauded for making the movie in such a way that you get glued to the screen. You will feel that you may lose the sequence even if you blink for a second. Excellent team work from the entire team starting from the director and all the technicians who seems to have put it their best in making this movie.

A special mention to the Music director (Jakes Bejoy) for the spectacular BGM which aptly suits the flow of the movie. Especially when you watch the movie on big screen (I watched at Palazzo), the sound effects literally takes the movie a notch high. From the opening scene, the sound effects make you sit upright and you sit the same way till the end of the movie.

Even though I heard many people refer Rahman as Pudhu Pudhu Arthangal Rahman, I remember him for his different role in Sangamam and more recently as the antagonist in Singam 2. However, D16 is one of his best performances ever till date. 

A very commendable performance by Rahman who is the only known face in the entire movie. Appreciate him for accepting the role and carrying it out majestically. Gautham's character, as a newbie to the Police department, is well portrayed and along with Deepak (Rahman), travels the entire movie.

Usually, you don't sit down and recollect the scenes after watching a movie. However, D16 made me think about each and every aspect of the scene, which is a very good result for a movie.


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