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Showing posts from February, 2017

A Bird's Eye view of Chennai from Light House!!!

Most of those who have Chennai as their birth place, might not have visited the light house and I was one among them till 6th Dec 2013. I have to be honest, it's been more than 3 years since I visited the Light House but still I am able to recollect the memories as if it happened recently. Situated at the beginning of the world famous Marina Beach, it was opened to public after a gap of 2 decades. The view from the top is absolutely stunning, especially the sea side view, provides a different outlook about the sea. There are totally 10 floors at the light house and the 9th floor alone is open for public view. You can reach the 9th floor using the elevator service. Pictures should speak for themselves and I hope you too will agree as you go through them!!! About Light House!!! View from the Top  Police Headquarters  Right Side View from the Top Yeah, you won't survive the fall Calmness of the Sea!!! The Green Corrido


For a very long time, I have been wanting to go on a drive in my Royal Enfield 350. Everytime, the idea will be dropped at the planning stage due to some constraint. However, few months back, myself and my friend wanted to get this plan worked out and decided to go on the trip on Jan 26th 2017. Basically, the plan was to do a round trip, Chennai - Kodaikaanal - Chennai. Planning Phase: During the initial period, there were many who showed interest in joining us for the trip. However, as the days passed by, the interest level got drained off and it was myself and my friend who decided to go on this trip. Finally, it was 2 bikes (2 Royal Enfield 350cc), 2 people (Myself and Sudhakar), 4 days trip. The plan itinerary was to start our drive on 26th Jan early morning 4:30AM and reach Kodai around 5PM the same day. Next day (27th Jan), local tour of Kodai (Visiting all the primary spots). By 28th Jan morning, around 8AM, start our journey and head towards Salem for our night halt an